Key differences in between a data Scientist and a Data Engineer
data Scientist

Key differences in between a data Scientist and a Data Engineer

IntroductionIn every industry include Healthcare, Datascientists and data engineers are both crucial roles within the realm ofdata-driven decision-making, but they focus on different aspects of the datalifecycle and require distinct skill sets. Data ScientistRole and Responsibility: Data scientists are primarily responsible for…


What is SMART on FHIR?

SMART om FHIR has been there for quite a while now but If you’ve arrived at this article and you’re thinking “I don’t even know what FHIR is?” then we would recommend starting off by giving our What is FHIR article a…


OLTP defined in a Nutshell

The digitization of the healthcare industry is happening fast. A major result of this transformation from paper to electronic records is the proliferation of healthcare data. And with that, of course, comes the healthcare database. Databases are foundational to any use…

Multiple benefits of automated EHR data extraction
automating EHR data extraction

Multiple benefits of automated EHR data extraction

The current pandemic, COVID-19, has added to the high levels of stress that clinical experts face worldwide, Including the key technical aspects like sending or receiving the patient data, issues identified with the EHR and its user interface, Inability on…


Do you know the EHR retention laws of your state?

All Individual US states have specific retention requirements that should be used to establish the hospital/ physician's patient records retention policy. Refer to your state laws for state-specific record retention requirements by using this link below provided by which…


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