How is web API different from traditional HL7 and FHIR?

RESTful API are the backbone of many webservices today. Having the tools to integrate an not-natively-RESTful interface engine with this common standard opens a lot of possibilities. There will be hurdles for implementing tools like these, especially since some of…


Why is Testing while implementing EMR Interface?

There is no shortage of promising, flashy new health technology out there that promises to maximize efficiency, make physicians’ lives easier and provide valuable ROI to hospital administrators. But even the best device or wearable is useless if the connectivity…


What is HL7? A Beginner’s Guide

Health Level 7 (HL7) is one of the most commonly used healthcare standards worldwide, supporting clinical practice and the evaluation, delivery, and management of health service undeserved. HL7 provides a framework that helps govern how electronic health information is retrieved,…


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